The following information lists multi-family radon requirements by state.
This is an evolving list. Please reach out with any updates through the contact us link to the left.
For detailed questions, please contact the state radon office - listed under State Radon Program Information.
Summary Table and Overview
Click Your State to See your State Multi-Family Radon Requirements
Orange - Professional credential required | Blue - NO Professional credential required
No information available.

Iowa Multi-Family Radon Requirements
- IA requires State certification, through the Iowa Department of Health & Human Services (HHS). The Department may also perform periodic quality assurance inspections of test results and mitigation measures performed by certified and credentialed persons.
- Source: Iowa Code §§ 136B.1--.5; Iowa Admin. Code 641-43, Iowa Admin. Code 641-44
- Measurement - IA Requires certified measurement specialists to follow the ANSI/AARST consensus standards for multi-family housing, specifically:
- "Protocol for Conducting Measurements of Radon and Radon Decay Measurement in Multifamily Buildings" (ANSI/AARST MAMF-2017 w/ 2021 Revisions); and
- "Radon Measurement Systems Quality Assurance" (ANSI/AARST MS-QA 2019)
- Mitigation - IA does not have a required standard for multi-family mitigation required at this time. Otherwise, IA requires certified mitigation specialists to follow the EPA's standards, specifically:
- "Radon Mitigation Standards" ("EPA 402-R-93-078 October 1993, Revised April 1994"); and
- ASTM's "Standard Practice for Radon Mitigation Systems in Existing Low-Rise Residential Buidlings (ASTM E2121-12) for single-family homes.
- Source: Iowa Code §§ 136B.1--.5; Iowa Admin. Code 641-43; Iowa Admin. Code 641-44
- IA Requires radon measurement and mitigation professionals to disclose to the state certain information on testing and mitigation services and provides for confidentiality of test results.
- Source: Iowa Code §§ 136B.1--.5; Iowa Admin. Code 641--43; Iowa Admin. Code 641--44
- IA Requires sellers of residential real property that includes at least one and no more than four dwelling units to deliver to buyers prior to transfer a written disclosure statement indicating the condition and characteristics of the property.
- Regulations adopted under the law (Iowa Admin. Code 193E-14.1(543B)) incorporate the required disclosure items in a sample form, including disclosure of the results of any radon tests and the presence of lead-based paint or asbestos.
- IA Requires sellers of residential real property to provide the buyers a written disclosure statement of the results of any radon tests. The Seller and Buyer must also acknowledge the Buyer's receipt of the state-issued radon fact sheet.
- Regulation also requires the seller and buyer to acknowledge buyer's receipt of a "Iowa Radon Home-Buyers and Sellers Fact Sheet" prepared by the Iowa HHS.
- Source: Iowa Code § 558A.1 et seq.; Iowa Code § 543B; Iowa Admin Code 193E-14
Minnesota Multi-Family Radon Requirements
- State license required annually for those who perform radon testing, mitigation, and laboratory services for compensation, effective January 1, 2019
- Source: Minnesota Statutes § 144.4961; Minn. Rules 4620.7200 -- 7350
- RRNC: MN Requires the state to incorporate into state building code standards for radon-resistant new construction based on the International Residential Code Appendix F
- MN Requires radon measurement and mitigation professionals performing radon measurements and/or mitigations in multifamily buildings to comply with the following ANSI/AARST standards:
- Measurement: Protocol for Conducting Radon and Radon Decay Product Measurements in Multifamily Buildings (ANSI/AARST MAMF-2017) or successor ANSI/AARST standards.
- Mitigation: Soil Gas Mitigation Standards for Existing Homes (ANSI/AARST SGM-SF-2017) or successor ANSI/AARST standards.
- MN Requires radon measurement and mitigation professionals performing radon measurements and/or mitigations in schools and large buildings to comply with the following ANSI/AARST standards:
- Measurement: ANSI/AARST Protocol for Conducting Measurements of Radon and Radon Decay Products in Schools and Large Buildings (ANSI/AARST MALB-2014) or successor ANSI/AARST standards.
- Mitigation: ANSI/AARST Radon Mitigation Standards for Schools and Large Buildings (ANSI/AARST RMS-LB-2018) or successor ANSI/AARST standards.
- Source: Minnesota Statutes § 326B.106 Subd. 6; Minn. Rules 1303.2400--2403; Minn. Rules 4620.7500
- MN Requires sellers of residential real property to provide buyers with a copy of the Department of Health publication entitled "Radon in Real Estate Transactions," along with a written disclosure that includes: whether a radon test has occurred; the most recent records of radon concentrations in the dwelling; a description of any radon mitigation or remediation, including any installed mitigation system; and a radon warning specified in the law.
- Authorizes a buyer who is injured by a violation of the law to bring a civil action for damages and other equitable relief.
- Source: Minnesota Statutes § 144.496
Virginia Multi-Family Radon Requirements
- VA Requires all radon measurement and mitigation professionals to be certified through the National Radon Safety Board (NRSB) or the National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP) or through a certification program that "meets any other proficiency measures deemed acceptable by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the Board of Health..."
- Source: Virginia Code § 32.1-229.01
- MEASUREMENT & MITIGATION: Virginia Code § 32.1-229.01 requires individuals conducting or offering to conduct radon screening, testing, or mitigation to adhere to
- Radon testing standards outlined in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s publication EPA 402-R-92-003, as revised;
- Radon mitigation standards outlined in the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM International) Standard E-2121-13, as revised; OR
- Any other radon testing and mitigation standards deemed acceptable by virtue of reference by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or the Board.
- The Office of Radiological Health acknowledges that the EPA has archived the EPA 402-R-92- 003 publication and no longer recognizes the ASTM International Standard E-2121-13. The Office of Radiological Health supports adherence to the ANSI/AARST developed radon testing and mitigation standards endorsed by the EPA. The EPA’s Current Radon Standards of Practice can be found at
- For RRNC: Appendix F of the Interntional Residential Code. Per the current state building code, jurisdictions have the option to require all new residential construction in USEPA Zone 1 (i.e. high risk for indoor radon) to use radon resistant construction techniques.
- Source: Virginia Code § 32.1-229.01; 13 Va. Admin. Code 5-63-210--220; Virginia Code § 36-98; Virginia Guidance on Radon Testing and Mitigation ORH-750
- VA Requires owners to disclose certain information to prospective purchasers of residential real property, in accordance with a state-developed form.
- The disclosure form must include the statement that the owner "makes no representations with respect to whether the property is located in a locality classified as Zone 1 or Zone 2" on EPA’s Map of Radon Zones and must advise purchasers to "exercise whatever due diligence they deem necessary to determine whether the property is located in such a zone" including, among other things, reviewing EPA's Map of Radon Zones and ordering a radon inspection.
- Source: Virginia Code § 22.1-138; Virginia Code § 55.1-70
New Hampshire Multi-Family Radon Requirements
- NH Requires radon mitigators to be privately certified through the National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP) or the National Radon Safety Board (NRSB). Requires the state Board of Home Inspectors to provide notice of this certification requirement on its website.
- Source: New Hampshire Revised Statutes § 310-A:189-a
- NH Requires sellers of residential real property to provide the buyer the following radon notification statement:
- "Radon gas, the product of decay of radioactive materials in rock may be found in some areas of New Hampshire. This gas may pass into a structure through the ground or through water from a deep well. Testing can establish its presence and equipment is available to remove it from the air or water."
- Source: New Hampshire Revised Statutes § 477:4-a
- NH Requires the Department of Health and Human Services to investigate complaints of poor indoor air quality and to conduct inspections of buildings and dwellings, upon request, for the presence of radon or other health hazards in indoor air.
- Source: New Hampshire Revised Statutes § 125:9
Florida Multi-Family Radon Requirements
- FL Requires state certification through the Florida Department of Health for those who perform radon measurement and mitigation services. (Fla. Admin. Code r. 64E- 5.1201--1208).
- Source: Florida Statutes § 404.056
- FL Requires certified radon measurement and mitigation professionals to report radon test results to the FL Department of Health.
- Source: Florida Statutes § 404.056.
- FL Requires that a specified radon warning statement be provided prior to the sale or lease of residential real estate.
- Source: Florida Statutes § 404.056
Utah Multi-Family Radon Requirements
- Private certification with State License required (Mitigation Only)
- Source: Utah Code § 58-55-305; Utah Admin. Code R156-55a-301
- MEASUREMENT AND MITIGATION -- Radon Professionals providing radon mitigation are required to have a contractor’s license and requires that no person may provide radon services unless that person successfully completes the National Radon Measurement Proficiency Program (NRPP) or the National Radon Safety Board Certified Radon Professional Program (NRSB). Both programs require their certified individuals to follow the American National Standards Institute, American Association for Radon Scientists and Technologists (ANSI-AARST) standards, which includes the requirements for 100% ground contact testing for multifamily housing and testing 10% upper floor units. Visit the NRPP and NRSB websites to view information regarding their certification requirements.
- Source: Information Bulletin for Radon Professionals: 100% Ground Contact Testing for Multifamily Housing (bottom of page) and U.C.A Utah Code § 58-55-30
- UT Urges property owners, business owners, landlords, real estate professionals, home builders, government agencies, and others to take action to test for and remediate radon and educate the public about the dangers and risks of radon exposure.
- Source: Utah Concurrent Resolution 11 (2013)
Kentucky Multi-Family Radon Requirements
- KY Requires those providing radon measurement, mitigation and laboratory analysis services to register biennially with the state after obtaining private certification through either the National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP) or the National Radon Safety Board (NRSB).
- Sources: Kentucky Revised Statutes §§ 211.9101 et seq.; 902 Ky. Admin. Regs. 95:040
- KY Requires state-registered radon measurement and mitigation professionals to adopt and follow written standard operating procedures established by a development organization accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for measurement, mitigation, and laboratory analysis.
- Sources: Kentucky Revised Statutes §§ 211.9101 et seq.; 902 Ky. Admin. Regs. 95:040
- KY Requires sellers of residential real property to provide the buyer with a completed Seller's Disclosure of Property Condition form (See also: 201 Ken. Admin. Regs. 11:121). This form includes disclosure of previous radon test results and existing radon mitigation system in dwelling that are known to the seller (
- KY "Requires that a Seller's Disclosure of Conditions form be used in residential real estate transactions iflicensed real estate agents are involved and receive compensation."
Pennsylvania Multi-Family Radon Requirements
- State certification is required for professional testing and mitigation.
- Source: 25 Pa. Admin. Code 240
- PA Requires radon measurement and mitigation professionals to adhere to the following standards for multifamily buildings:
- MEASUREMENT - ANSI/AARST MAMF-2017, ‘‘Protocol for Conducting Radon and Radon Decay Product Measurements in Multifamily Buildings,’’ or its equivalent as determined by the Department.
- MITIGATION - ANSI/AARST RMS-MF 2014, “Radon Mitigation Standards for Multifamily Buildings,” or its equivalent as determined by the Department.
- Source: 25 Pa. Code § 240.310;
- PA Requires sellers of residential real property to complete and deliver to buyers a Seller's Property Disclosure Statement, as provided by the PA State Real Estate Commission
- Source: Pennsylvania Statutes, tit. 68, §§ 7301 et seq.; 49 Pa. Admin. Code 35.335a
Maine Multi-Family Radon Requirements
- ME Requires radon measurement and mitigation professionals offering their services in Maine—either directly or through the mail--to register their business with the State through the Division of Environmental Health within the Maine Department of Health & Human Services
- Source: Maine Revised Statutes, tit. 22, §§ 771--784
- ASTM E1465 ("Standard Practice for Radon Control Options for the Design and Construction of New Low-Rise Residential Buildings") is a mandatory standard. This standard is also expired and was withdrawn by the ASTM in 2017 and is no longer being updated.
- Source: Maine Revised Statutes, tit. 10, § 9722
- ME Requires that registered radon testers notify the Department of test results
- Source: Maine Revised Statutes, tit. 22, §§ 771--784).
- ME "Requires the landlord to provide a written radon notice to tenants and prospective tenants, including information on the risks of radon; the date and results of the most recent radon test (including tests conducted by a tenant showing elevated radon levels); the tenant's right to conduct a test; and any completed mitigation". The state provides a disclosure form here: Establishes a fine of $250
- ME Requires residential landlords to have the air in their rental properties tested for radon. Requires re- testing every 10 years when requested by a tenant, unless a radon mitigation system has been installed. Except in situations specified in the law, requires testing to be conducted by a radon professional registered with the state and for all testing to follow protocols specified in the law.
- ME Requires seller of residential real property to provide purchaser with a disclosure statement regarding any known defects, as well as the presence or prior removal of hazardous materials on the property, including radon
- Source: Maine Revised Statutes, tit. 22, § 785; Maine Revised Statutes, tit. 33, § 173; Maine Revised Statutes, tit. 14, § 6030-D
- ME Requires residential landlords test their rental properties for radon using a state-registered radon professional and for all testing to follow protocols specified in the law. After the initial test, landlords are required to test every 10 years upon request by a tenant, unless a radon mitigation system has been installed. Maine Revised Statutes, tit. 14, § 6030-D
- Source: Maine Revised Statutes, tit. 14, § 6030-D
Connecticut Multi-Family Radon Requirements
- Anyone who proclaims to offer radon mitigation services in Connecticut must be registered with the Department of Consumer Protection as a home improvement contractor. These businesses must employ at least one radon mitigator who is nationally certified by the National Radon Safety Board or the National Radon Proficiency Program.
- Exception: For individuals who perform radon mitigation for water a Department of Consumer Protection Plumbing & Piping contractor license is required. A HIC registration is not required for a licensed P-1, P-3, or J-1 plumbing contractor who ONLY performs radon mitigation for water. These individuals must be nationally certified by the National Radon Safety Board or the National Radon Proficiency Program.
- To be qualified to perform radon measurement services in Connecticut’s public schools, an individual must be nationally certified as a radon measurement service provider and successfully complete the ½ day CT DPH course, “Radon Measurement in CT Schools.” (Pursuant to Connecticut General Statute (CGS) Sec. 10-220(d)(2) ‘each school building shall be evaluated for radon levels as part of a uniform inspection and evaluation of the indoor air quality.’ In accordance with the State of Connecticut Department of Education statute, the CT DPH Radon Program implemented a policy requirement for radon testing procedures (guidelines) in K-12 Connecticut public school buildings.) Radon-related laws in CT
Sources: Connecticut General Statutes §§ 20-419--420
- Sellers of residential property containing four units or fewer are required to disclose, in writing, knowledge of any radon testing results for the property and of the presence of a radon control system to prospective purchasers using a template developed by the Commissioner of Consumer Protection. (Disclosure form adopted at Conn. Admin. Code 20-327b-1.)
- Source: Connecticut General Statutes § 20-327b
California Multi-Family Radon Requirements
- CA requires private certification for radon measurement and mitigation professionals in California, either through the National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP) or the National Radon Safety Board (NRSB). Professionals must also submit their certificate of completion for these courses to the state health agency, who will then make a list of these certified individuals publically available.
- Source: California Health & Safety Code §§ 106750 et seq.
- MEASUREMENT & MITIGATION - The California Health and Safety Code (HSC) is the prevailing regulatory statue that applies to the control of radon in California including but not limited to requirements for performing radon measurement, mitigation, and laboratory analysis. HSC Section 106780 requires that no person may provide radon services for the general public, or represent or advertise that he or she may provide radon services unless that person meets the provisions of HSC, Section 106780, which includes successfully completing the National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP) or the National Radon Safety Board Certified Radon Professional Program (NRSB). Both programs require their certified individuals to follow the ANSI/AARST standards, which includes the requirements for 100% ground contact testing for multifamily housing and testing 10% upper floor units. Visit the NRPP and NRSB websites to view information regarding their certification requirements.
- Source: Information Bulletin for Radon Professionals: 100% Ground Contact Testing Requirements for Multifamily Housing and HSC Section 106780
- Sellers of real property of up to four (4) residential units are required to disclose the presence of radon to buyers.
- Source: California Civil Code §§ 1102--1102.18, as referenced in the "Disclosures in Real Property Transactions" and "Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement" form from the State of California Department of Real Estate
Illinois Multi-Family Radon Requirements
- IL Requires those performing radon measurement, mitigation, or laboratory analysis services, as well as those who manufacture radon measurement devices be licensed through the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security (IEMA-OHS). (See also: Illinois Compiled Statutes Ch. 420, §§ 44/1--90)
- Source: Illinois Compiled Statutes Ch. 420, §§ 44/25 et seq
- Measurements: Short- or long-term measurements shall be made, at the same time, in each lowest structural area suitable for occupancy.
- Source: Illinois Rule Section 422.130
- IL Requires radon measurement contractors to report results of testing within 45 days to his or her client. Additionally, upon request, they may provide the results to the owner or occupant if their client is not the owner.
- Source: Illinois Compiled Statutes Ch. 420, §§ 44/30
- IL Requires a seller of real property containing up to four units to complete a disclosure report form, on which the seller must report if he/she is aware of various environmental conditions, including unsafe concentrations of radon and unsafe conditions relating to asbestos or lead paint on the premises.
- Source: Illinois Compiled Statutes Ch. 765, §§ 77/1--65
- IL "Requires all new residential construction to include passive radon-resistant construction techniques."
- IL Requires that activation of a passive mitigation system or installation of a radon vent fan be done by a radon contractor.
- IL Requires landlord to disclose to prospective tenants any radon hazard revealed by current tenants' testing, unless landlord's testing demonstrates that a hazard does not exist.
- Furthermore, landlords of residential rental units below the third story are required to notify current and prospective tenants of any radon hazard revealed by landlord's testing of the property, unless landlord mitigates the property and eliminates the hazard.
- Source: Illinois Compiled Statutes Ch. 420, §§ 46/1--25
Kansas Multi-Family Radon Requirements
- KS Requires a state license for radon measurement and mitigation professionals.
- Source: K.S.A. 2010 Supp. 48-16a01 through 48-16a12 (pdf); K.A.R. 28-35-600 through 28-35-608
- ANSI-AARST (in effect October 27, 2023)
- Includes:
- ANSI/AARST MAMF 2017 with 1/21 Revisions Standards for Multi-Family Measurement
- ANSI/AARST MALB 2014 with 1/21 Revisions Standards for Large Building Measurement
- ANSI/AARST RMS-MF 2018 with 12/20 Addenda for Multi-Family Mitigation
- ANSI/AARST RMS LB 2018 with 12/20 Revisions Standards for Large Building Mitigation
- Includes:
- Source: Kansas Statutes §§ 28-35-603-605
- KS Requires those performing radon testing, analysis or mitigation to report the results and other information to the Department within 90-days of the service, subject to certain limitations, and provides that such information is confidential.
- Source: Kansas Statutes §§ 48-16a01 et seq.
- KS Requires every contract for the sale of residential real estate to contain a radon notice as specified in the law. Notice includes information about the health effects of radon and a recommendation for radon testing.
- Source: Kansas Statutes § 58-3078a
Ohio Multi-Family Radon Requirements
- State license required for testing and mitigation
- Source: Ohio Revised Code §§ 3723.01--.18; Ohio Admin. Code 3701-69 et seq.
- STANDARDS – MEASUREMENT - Please be advised that OAC 3701-69-07 Appendix A, Section (A)(1) states that “short-term or long-term measurements shall be made in each lowest structural area suitable for occupancy” meaning in Ohio, 100% of ground level units shall be tested.
- Source: Ohio Admin. Code 3701-69 and Radon Information Notice – RN2013.01; Subject: MULTI-FAMILY TESTING REQUIREMENTS
- OH Requires sellers of residential real property containing up to four units to deliver a disclosure form to buyers disclosing material defects and the presence of hazardous materials or substances, including radon gas.
- Source: Ohio Revised Code § 5302.30; Ohio Admin. Code 1301:5-6-10
New Jersey Multi-Family Radon Requirements
- State licensing required for testing and mitigation
- Source: New Jersey Statutes §§ 26:2D-70--71
STANDARDS - Most current revisions of
- "Protocol for Conducting Measurements of Radon and Radon Decay Products in Homes," ANSI/AARST MAH-2019;
- "Protocol for Conducting Measurements of Radon and Radon Decay Products in Multifamily Buildings, "ANSI/AARST MAMF-2017;
- "Protocol for Conducting Measurements of Radon and Radon Decay Products in Schools and Large Buildings," ANSI/AARST MALB-2014.
- "Soil Gas Mitigation Standards for Existing Homes," ANSI/AARST SGM-SF-2017;
- "Radon Mitigation Standards for Multifamily Buildings," ANSI/AARST RMS-MF-2018;
- "Radon Mitigation Standards for Schools and Large Buildings," ANSI/AARST RMS-LB-2018.
- Source: New Jersey Admin Code 7:28-27
- Requires certified professionals to provide the state with information about services provided and tests performed, and provides for confidentiality of that information.
- Source: New Jersey Statutes §§ 26:2D-73--74
- NJ Requires the Department of Environmental Protection to provide the owner of certain residential property inspected for radon, where appropriate, with written certification that any radon gas contamination present was within acceptable limits as established by the U.S. EPA and the Department. Also requires the Department to provide written certification at the completion of projects undertaken to remove radium or to remedy excessive levels of radon gas from a residential property.
- State real estate commission property disclosure form was adopted pursuant to the law includes disclosure of radon testing results, though sellers can opt to provide this information at the time of the contract for sale.
- NJ Limits liability of licensed real estate brokers or salespersons for communicating false, misleading or deceptive information, where the licensee had no actual knowledge of the information, and made a diligent effort (e.g., obtained a property disclosure report from seller) to ascertain whether the information was false or misleading.
- Source: New Jersey Statutes § 56:8-19.1
Colorado Multi-Family Radon Requirements
- CO Requires certification and state licensure for radon measurement and mitigation professionals. Those testing or mitigating a single-family home they own and occupy--or those testing a leased dwelling unit they lease or occupy--are exempt from the requirement.
- Sources: Colorado Statutes §§ 12-165-101—113
- CO Requires for radon measurement and mitigation the use of the applicable ANSI-AARST protocols for multifamily buildings.
- MEASUREMENT – ANSI/AARST “Protocol for Conducting Measurements of Radon and Radon Decay Products in Multifamily Buildings” (MAMF-2017), effective September 1, 2021.
- MITIGATION – ANSI/AARST “Standards for Radon Mitigation for Multifamily Buildings (RMS-MF-2018), effective September 1, 2021.
- Sources: 4 Code of Colorado Regulations 754-1
- SELLERS must disclose to buyers:
- Whether a radon test or tests have been conducted on the property;
- The most recent records or reports pertaining to the radon concentrations within the property;
- A description of any radon concentrations detected or mitigation or remediation performed; and
- Information regarding whether a radon mitigation system has been installed in the property; and
- Provide an electronic or paper copy of the most recent brochure published by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment that provides advice about radon in residential real estate transactions.
- Disclosure form found here:
- Must disclose to prospective buyers or tenants all adverse material facts actually known by the broker, including any environmental hazards affecting the property that are required by law to be disclosed.
- Additionally, each sales contract for a residential property must contain the warning statement included in CRS § 38-35.7-112.
- Sources: Colorado Revised Statutes § 12-10-404; Colorado Revised Statutes § 38-35.7-11
- As of August 7, 2023, landlords in Colorado are required to disclose radon information when a tenant signs a lease agreement. This disclosure includes any knowledge the landlord has of radon concentrations on the property as well as the warning statement included in CRS § 38-12-803.
- Tenants can void their lease if the landlord does not include the radon disclosure or if a landlord does not make reasonable efforts to mitigate professionally-measured elevated radon levels after 180 days.
- On or after January 1, 2026, these remedies will not apply to leases that are one year or less in duration.
- Sources: Colorado Revised Statutes § 38-12-803
Indiana Multi-Family Radon Requirements
- Private certification with State Registration; Proof of successful completion, and current listing on, an EPA-recognized proficiency program, such as the National Radon Safety Board (NRSB) or the National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP), or an equivalent measurement proficiency program approved by the commissioner.
- Source: 410 Ind. Admin. Code 5.1-1-1, et seq.
- IN Requires radon measurement and mitigation professionals providing services in the state of Indiana to use the following standards:
- MULTI-FAMILY - ANSI/AARST "Protocol for Conducting Radon and Radon Decay Product Measurements in Multifamily Buildings" (ANSI/AARST MAMF)
- SCHOOLS & LARGE BUILDINGS - ANSI/AARST "Protocol for Conducting Radon and Radon Decay Product Measurements in Schools and Large Buildings" (ANSI/AARST MALB).
- MULTI-FAMILY – ANSI/AARST "Radon Mitigation Standards for Multifamily Buildings" (ANSI/AARST RMS-MF)
- SCHOOLS & LARGE BUILDINGS - ANSI/AARST "Radon Mitigation Standards for Schools and Large Buildings" (ANSI/AARST RMS-LB).
- Source: 410 Ind. Admin. Code 5.1-1-23; 410 Ind. Admin. Code 5.1-1-26
- IN Requires sellers of property containing up to four dwelling units to complete a Seller's Residential Real Estate Sales Disclosure form, which requires sellers to disclose knowledge of hazardous conditions on the property, including but not limited to radon gas. (See Form 46234 at:
- Source: Indiana Code §§ 32-21-5-1--12
Nebraska Multi-Family Radon Requirements
- State license is required for both business and specialists providing radon measurement or mitigation services. Measurement and mitigation specialists must have additional training multi-family, multi-use, schools, and large buildings to complete radon services for these types of buildings.
- Source: Nebraska Revised Statutes § 71-3501; 180 Neb. Admin. Code, Ch. 11, §§ 11-001 et seq.
- Building contractors are not required to be a certified radon mitigation specialist in order to activate radon mitigation systems but must follow state regulations. However, post-installation radon testing must be done by a certified radon mitigation specialist. See Nebraska Revised Statutes §§ 76-3501 -- 3507
- NE Requires, as part of its state building code requirements, "new construction built after September 1, 2019 in the state of Nebraska that is intended to be regularly occupied by people shall be built using radon resistant new construction".
- NE Requires licensed radon measurement and mitigation professionals to use the ANSI/AARST Protocol for Conducting Measurements of Radon and Radon Decay Products in Multifamily, School, Commercial and Mixed-Use Building (MA-MFLB 2023) as well as the ANSI/AARST Soil Gas Mitigation Standards for existing Multifamily, School, Commercial and Mixed-Use Buildings (SGM-MFLB 2023), respectively.
- Source: Nebraska Revised Statutes §§ 76-3501 -- 3507; 180 Neb. Admin. Code, Ch. 11, §§ 11-001 et seq.; Neb. Rev. Stat. § 71-6403--6406
- Measurement businesses are required to report by the 15th day of the month, all measurements completed in the previous month.
- Mitigation businesses are required to report by the 15th day of the month, all mitigations completed and pay all fees from the installations
- Requires the state health agency to compile annually and submit to the legislature radon measurements reported to the agency over the preceding five years, to determine the average radon concentration by county, and to identify counties with average radon concentrations over 2.7 pCi/L
- Source: 180 Neb. Admin. Code, Ch. 11, §§ 11-001 et seq.; Nebraska Revised Statutes §§ 76-3507
- NE Requires sellers of residential real property to submit a written disclosure statement to buyers during real estate transactions. The seller must inform the buyer of the seller's knowledge of radon gas on the property and any radon mitigation that has been conducted, as well as the provision of copies of any radon tests that have been conducted on the property.
- Source: Nebraska Revised Statutes § 76-2,120
West Virginia Multi-Family Radon Requirements
- WV Requires private certification with state licensure for radon measurement and mitigation professionals.
- Requires the Division of Health to maintain a list of all licensed radon testers, mitigation specialists, mitigation contractors, and radon laboratories in the state, and to investigate public complaints about licensees.
- Source: West Virginia Code §§ 16-34-1 et seq.; W. V. Admin. Code 64-78-1 et seq
- WV Requires licensed radon measurement and mitigation specialists radon test results to the director of the Division of Health.
- Source: West Virginia Code §§ 16-34-1 et seq
Rhode Island Multi-Family Radon Requirements
- Private certification with State License/Certification
- Source: Rhode Island General Laws §§ 23-61; 216-RICR-50-15-2
STANDARDS - In the process of updating to current standards
- “Protocols for Measuring Radon and Radon Decay Products in Homes” (MAH 2014)
- “Protocols for Measuring Radon and Radon Decay Products in School and Large Buildings” (MALB 2014).
- “Radon Mitigation Standards for Schools and Large Buildings” (RMS-LB 2014).
- “Protocol for Conducting Radon and Radon Decay Product Measurements in Multifamily Buildings” (RMS-MF 2014).
- “Radon Mitigation Standards for Multifamily Buildings” (RMS-MF 2014).
- “Standard Practice for Mitigation Systems in Existing Low-Rise Residential Buildings” (ASTM E2121-12)
- “Standard: Reducing Radon in New Construction of 1 & 2 Family Dwellings and Townhouses” (CCAH-2013)
- Source: 216-RICR-50-15-2
- RI Requires sellers of residential real estate to provide buyers with a disclosure form explaining all known deficient conditions, including radon. The disclosure form must include the statement:
- "Radon has been determined to exist in the State of Rhode Island. Testing for the presence of radon in residential real estate prior to purchase is advisable."
- Source: Rhode Island General Laws §§ 5-20.8-1--8