Wisconsin Radon Contacts
Wisconsin Radon Program
Hotline: 1-888 LOW RADON (1-888-569-7236)
Email: Check out your regional Wisconsin Radon Information Center
Hotline: 1-888 LOW RADON (1-888-569-7236)
Email: Check out your regional Wisconsin Radon Information Center
Contact: Karen Burgard, Manager
Hotline: 225-765-0160
Phone: 225-219-3041
National Radon Hotline: 1-800-767-7236
Email: karen.burgard@la.gov
Website: DEQ Louisiana: Radon in Your Home
AR Dept of Health: Environmental Epidemiology Division
Contact: Rebecca Davis
Phone: 501-661-2232
Email: adh.epi.radon@arkansas.gov
Website: Arkansas Dept of Health: Radon
Email: radon@health.mo.gov
Iowa Department of Public Health
Contact: Randy Lane
Phone: (515) 281-4928
Hotline: 1-800-383-5992
Email: randy.lane@hhs.iowa.gov
Contact: Dan Tranter
Phone: (651) 201-4601
Toll Free: 888-345-0823
Email: health.indoorair@state.mn.us
Website: MDH: Radon in Minnesota Homes
Texas Tech Indoor Radon Program
Hotline: (806) 834-0370
Website: TIEHH Indoor Radon Program
Email: radontesting@ttu.edu
Texas DSHS: Indoor Radon Program
Hotline: 1-800-293-0753 ext. 2428
Phone: (512) 834-6787 ext. 2428
Email: radon@dshs.state.tx.us
Contact: Keisha Cornelius, Oklahoma Radon Program Coordinator
Email: keisha.cornelius@deq.ok.gov
Phone: (405) 702-5100
General Information & Technical Assistance
Radon Certification Questions
General Inquiries & Technical Assistance
Contact: Adrienne Moody, Radon & Indoor Air Quality Program Manager
Phone: 402-471-0783
Hotline: (800) 334-9491
Email: NE DHHS Radon Program
Website: NE DHHS Radon Program